Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
Agent Zero wanders about the battlefield, every once and a while poking at the raging inferno of energy around him that stops abruptly about a foot away from his person. He looks up at the source of the energy, Strategia's COMCA vainley venting it full armament at him from a range of mere kilometers. He look pitingly at Strategia.
"If you haven't realized it by now, I'm dating the Angel of Death. You can't touch me."
With that, he decided to try out some of the new skills The Angel has been teaching him (No, not THOSE skills!). He lifts a hand into the air, and suddenly the force that was stopping Strategia's COMCA's weapons fire from reaching him begins to repels it. As it's own firepower tears through it's shields and begins ripping apart it's armour, the COMCA attempts to utilize it's Advanced Tachyonic Accelerator to save itself from destruction and finds out what happens when you attempt to teleport from within a stasis-nullification field: The COMCA abruptly ceases to exist.
Only to return to existance a safe distance away, completely intact for 0.0000359 seconds before every atom in it's construction decides to attempt to exist simultaneously with it's neighbour, and the whole contraption blows apart in the most spectacular explosion since the Big Bang.
Suction feet are not to be trifled with!