A few quibbles that may or may not have been brought up already.
1) The Culture modifiers don't seem balanced, IMO. Some have all positive modifiers (Scientists, Workers), while others have more negatives than positives (Xenophobes, Merchants). Granted, your selection will still depend on your style of play than raw plusses and minuses, but I'm wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this.
2) Maybe the "Neutral" happiness type should be renamed "Isolationist", and make a new "Neutral" type that combines happiness elements from both Peaceful and Bloodthirsty (though will lesser effects). So, Neutrals would get marginally happy from treaties, battle victories, etc.
3) The Last time I saw a log entry for an empire being destroyed, it said something like "the Rage Collective empire has been destroyed." Methinks the "empire" is redundant and should be changed to read "the Rage Collective has been destroyed". I just can't remember which file to modify to change this.... (Is this even still like this?)
4) Maybe I'm just color-blind, but the Toltoyan race description specifically says they have "crystal green" eyes, yet in their portrait, their eyes are sky blue! Would someone with some artistic skills mind rectifying this (since mine are negligible)?
Like I said, quibbles, but I wanted to get some discussion on 'em before I sned something to MM.
"That which does not kill you will make you stronger." -- Nietzsche
The opposite of war isn't peace... it's creation. --from [i]Rent</i]