Automation vs Micromanagement
How does everyone here feel about this issue? I'm curious to get a feel for how the community sees the contrast between some very automated elements (recruiting, ritual magic) and some very time-intensive manual tasks (patroling, preaching).
From an internal game perspective, there isn't any reason why the complex automated orders people have talked about shouldn't be added; your god is hardly going to be issuing orders like 'Preach at that town. Wait, now preach at that town. DO NOT MOVE UNLESS I TELL YOU TO!'. Of course if I'm in the minority here there's no point in maintaining any interest in D3.
This is a serious issue for me because single player is lame and MP is absolutely ruined by some of my friends micro-ing the *** out of everything. 80% of players have ~30 sec turns unless something fun is happening; the other 20% can go on far longer doing various mundane tasks that provide a long term benefit, but which take forever to constantly supervise. In my view, MP is the heart of the game and would be far better by reducing micro as much as possible. That sort of fiddly, time consuming task has no place in a computer game.