Re: Basic tech mod?
Oh, Okay,
I've been thinking that there are a lot of cool ideas out there, but that they're too low tech to be realistically used in the SEIV game as it currently stands. For example, there was a board game that I remember playing once. There were fighters, giant carriers, etc. but no real shields to speak of. Instead ships would spray tons of water out of large baLasts to create walls of tiny ice crystals - they acted as sheilds because they would defract laser figher, but also act as (not)Electric Counter Measures because the defraction would make it harder to see where the ship really was...
Should I throw more ideas at ya?
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.
-Linus Pauling
Take away paradox from the thinker and you have a professor.
-S�ren Kierkegaard