Lingchih said:
It looks like Tien Chi went AI. Not surprising I guess since he was being massacred by three opponents.
Looking at the graphs "massacre" seems a little strong.
Four or so turns ago he sent me a message, saying that if I didn't join him and two others in an already (3 on 1) ongoing war with someone, me and him would be at war. He then said that I would sorely loose, if I attacked him instead of joining this would-be 4 on 1 battle. I proceeded to attack him, since I thought it was silly to try to bully people like that, and no I didn't sorely loose. It was a minor offensive, but I think that the aforementioned "someone" attacked him in several places. He then sent some weird message about a grudge he now has with another (different) player, and if we just leave him alone along with a nice set of provinces, he will dedicate all his resources to this new foe. A turn later, when (I guess) people didn't back down, he goes AI. He has at least one nice SC + his pretender + a lot of units (the army graph shows only a little dip) + the two allies from his 3 on 1 war.
I haven't played alot of MP with players outside of my RL friends. And I find it surprising that
it is not surprising, that people just go AI when the sleightest problems show up, and without any explanation or just a little post on the forum.
I'm playing Abysia and their starting position is horrible (on this old-Version Faer�n), and I'm totally behind on most of the graphs, and when I finally attack someone - after doing some diplomacy to get the upper hand in spite of my own lackings - they just go AI.
I am highly surprised.