this is so cool
This is a totally useless post, but I just had to share:
In my current single player game I'm playing Caelum, and trying a Vampire Queen for the first time. It's turn 10, and my VQ has a Protection of 32 and Magic Resistance of 25.
See, the turn before my main strike force (wingless, mammoths, seraphs casting quickness and LB) ran into some guy named Solaris...
So much for immortality. With the sun armor, helm, sword and shield, I don't want her to die!
A question for the gurus whilst I am here. Last time I played Caelum I focused on Quickness and Orb Lightning. This time I'd like to try Frozen Heart or False Horrors. Which is better? I'm thinking False Horrors, since I tend to focus on seraphs and build very few infantry. Or is Orb Lightning the way to go?