Greybeard said:
If you find faith in Christ, you will have hope, and eternal life, which can't be taken from you.
Very well said, BUT, I really don't like that christ stuff. I was baptised and followed the christian faith for about 10 years, but soon after I discovered science and the convidense to believe in myself. After that I really had no need for a god anymore. I'm not trying to convert you or putting up a flamewar, but I'm still not very convertable with the need to believe in some sort of allpowerful figure. I can't really understand it anymore or I don't want to understand. Everything is explainable through science.
I think humanity will find worldpeace when they discard every god they believe in or have one faith only. Untill that day comes, humanity will fight amongst itself.
Sorry AT to ruin this birthdayparty with this little discussion. Have another brewski!
I can only please one person per day, and today is not your day. And tomorrow isn't looking too good either.
Gabriella in
Blood 2
Men may control the free world, but women control the boobs.
Brent in
Plaver vs. Player