Re: 10 Magic Strength Pretenders....
Okay, so I field tested a Fire 10 Moloch to see how fun it was for Abysia.
Well, it wasn't as fun as I thought. Basically for the longest time all you have is fire flies and flare. These spells tend to be inaccurate and they are slow! It's a pain to sit through a battle watching all these flares and fire flies getting fired off and occasionally hitting.
Sure the Molock looks cool, and the anathamant dragon I made a prophet got some tabs on his cloak (no really the sprite changed!) everybody looked really good...and didn't get much done.
The blessing was decent but totally offense oriented. Any kind of real heavy defensive troops would take out lava warriors faster than I could make them. And crossbows really hurt me.
And I got some flagellants for a random event and I mixed them in with the other sacred troops. Bad idea. Poor bastards caught fire from their own allies half way to attacking the enemy. Oh well.
My next episode is field testing an Astral 10 Son of the Son for Arcosephale (Golden Age) to see what happens. The Son of the Son was the most cost effective chassis available that was mobile and could enter combat. He is called RA appropriately enough. I'm on turn 5 and have just gotten star fires. But he is the only guy casting. I don't have any other spell slingers yet. Just Philospers researching and bunches of troops.