Re: A newbie question
Thanks for your suggestions! I already love the "n" and F1 butttons :-)
but I don't understant, what do u mean by scripts???
ANyway, I have started a new game with Jotunheim, a 8W5E Niefel Giant; I am wondering a few things: how often do you look for magic sites??? because I have only search for one with my pretender when I was awaiting reinforcements; most of the time I prefer to conquer a new province; should I search more???
How do I use magic out of combat??? for instance, if I want to cast a spell that allow me to detect earth magic sites (it's a level 2 thaumaturgy spell, and I have just researched it;
I have built a few temples, but I was wondering whether those I built really close to my capitole were really useful... sorry for those new questions :-)
I can see clearly now, my brain is gone.