Where is my gold going?
Somewhere along the way, something is slowly sapping my gold and I don't know where its coming from.
For the Last several turns of my current game I've noticed a discrepency of roughly 6-10 gold each turn. Say I end a turn with 45 gold in the treasury. My income is 145 and my upkeep is 35. There is no unrest (only a few provinces to deal with at this point), and no natural or unnatural events have effected production.
I would expect that after upkeep, my net income would be 110, add that to the current treasury, I would think there would be 155 gold there. But there's only 146. (using made up numbers here, but it still portrays what's happening).
Aside from upkeep, unrest and random events, what else effects income in this way? Also, is the income displayed GROSS INCOME prior to any deductions for unrest, etc? or is it a NET figure?