assasination question / blood in the very long run question
first i have a question concerning assasins :
i never used them much so far .
but i want to try them now .
an assasination attempt is a battle where you can't retreat right ?
but if you set your assasins orders on retreat will he then assasinate an enemy commander when you give him the assasination command but if he is discovered by pd or patrolling troops retreat in another province ?
or does he die ?
how are the chances to discover scouts/spies/assasins with pd ? and is it the same for a pd of 10 and one of 125 or does it increase ?
finally what means a stealthrating higher than 0 ?
2. i like blood magic .
but a few thoughts came to my mind which now perhaps alter my liking for blood magic .
the problem is : you should take a growthscale with bloodmagic .
if you take a deathscale of 3 a province loses ~45% in 100 turns .
there are so many random events which reduce population and none which increases population .
so even if you play with growth 3 in 100 turns it is very possibly that you get quite a few -x% population events.
if you bloodhunt with patrolling you kill your population slowly but surely .
that's without enemy interaction .
the spells which masskill population of the enemies like volcanic eruption are normally a waste of gems. but against a bloodnation it will severly damage their blood economy.
and there is unrest :
normally only really evil in early-midgame but since it makes bloodhunting harder very evil for blood nations.
Last problem that enemy dominion further increases unrest . and you are almost forced to have a pd in addition to a castle in every blood hunting province. if you only have a castle a spell like call of the winds can stop the blood hunting for 2-3 turns at worst .
so in general if you aren't clearly winning in midgame your bloodincome will reach a peak and then slowly decline because of the before mentioned reasons .
while gemincome will skyrocket due to clam/fiever fetish hording .