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Old June 15th, 2004, 08:41 PM

spirokeat spirokeat is offline
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Default Fatigue, hows it work ?

I understand the basics of it. You start with zero, movement, spells and attacks all have a 'cost' that increases it. Once at 100 you are considered unconcious and by degrees prior to that you lose statistics such as defence and armour value.

How does encumbrance affect it ?

Does armour/encumbrance affect spell casting other than reducing the available fatigue pool ?

what kind of fatigue return happens per action turn ? is there a base recovery per turn that is affected by encumbrance ?

In spell casting skills and gems offer a method of offsetting fatigue, how does that work ?

I have a lvl 3 fire commander who I'm scripting to cast Flame arrows, lvl 3 fire spell, at a cost of 100 fatigue, he has a fire gem in his inventory which is the cost. He wont seem to cast it. Is this a function of the calculations of Fatigue as in a commander cannot force himself unconcious ?

Anyone able to spend the time to pen an explain I would be most grateful to.

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