I\'ve never seen this before
Just had a battle in which my sneaky animist and his wolves (the kind you get in a random event) attacked a faraway enemy province -- unfortunately, Vanheim, my enemy, had some forces move in, and his wolves routed very quickly. He was the only commander, and so everyone routed. That province was surrounded by enemy provinces, and so I figured that was the end of him -- dead.
But noooooo.....
Oddly enough, at the start of the next turn, I find him in a friendly province about 4 provs away, with some of his wolves to boot!
He had no items on him, no spells (like returning etc.), and the province to which he returned was not the capital anyhow, and I am pretty sure it was not even the province in which he spawned, but I may be wrong.
Any explanation for this? Anyone ever see it? It sounds like a reeeeeally weird bug which, I guess, is nearly impossible to find. Bizarre.