Classic Mistaeks. :)
I'm sure we have all done it and I'm also sure I have made many previous, but the one I just did rates pretty highly anyway.
So I'm playing Micti having fun, building away, along pops my fave hero of old, Good'ole Micitipocti, I send him out desperately looking for death sites, low and behold, The Tower of Seven Tombs pops up very close to my capital !.
Excellent thninks I, I have Miciti the unholy priest, Im bloody miles from Skull island the normal beeline I make as I like to set up camp there and churn out an undead Version of the Island of Dr Moreau with Mictipocti if I get the chance. So I put him on enter site and leave him to it, after flipping a turn, examining the resultant mummy summoned by the tomb and going 'Coo' and 'Ace' and other such shiny sandboxer thoughts.
Flip game on about 10 turns. I have a large army with a good core of mages, priests and generals on the loose, they pass by where Mictipocti is to smack up an invading army, quite large and with fliers, so I thought, Ill grab him and put him on guard commander with his legion of mummies.
Heres the mistake, I didnt fully read the Mummy text when I looked and went 'coo'.
I view the battle next turn and think sweet, total anihilation as I win. Only I gave leprosy to about 8 generals and my prophet.
Oh well, better put taxes up and start looking for replacements in the ranks..hehe.
Anyone else done any monumentally daft stuff ?