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Old May 4th, 2004, 06:51 AM

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Default Re: Dev Thinking on Balance?

Originally posted by Zapmeister:
If, for whatever reason, people continue to prefer the VQ when they're playing to win, then clearly the game would be improved if something were done to reduce the frequency at which it is selected.
If they are playing VQ's to win and they don't, does that mean that it isn't the design's fault but the player?

I understand completely if something becomes too popular then it needs to be looked at for reasons and back before the rehashing and second rehashing I believe at the very least I said that modifying the VQ's cost to 125 and 50 would be a good change. It wouldn't change the fact that Ermor or a Temperature nation could make high-powered VQ's but it would put them on par with each of the other 'designed for combat' pretenders.

So maybe it has been addressed and there may be a change in the works, but going to extremes over and over is in no way, benefitial to a cause.

Edit: And no I don't think you were Zap, I think you just want to know if anything is being done about them, not whether or not your personal preference is being implemented.

[ May 04, 2004, 05:52: Message edited by: Zen ]
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