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Old May 3rd, 2004, 07:25 PM

Vynd Vynd is offline
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Default Re: Possible way out of the V.Q. Problem

Originally posted by Norfleet:
So get rid of the enemy dominion. You have to do that anyway. A VQ which can't leave its own dominion while you gradually chip the dominion away and move in isn't doing any harm to you. If it's not hurting you, it's not accomplishing anything. It'll have to come out to play sometime.
I don't claim to be a skilled multi-player. But I don't see why eliminating your opponent's dominion is something you "have to do anyway." Surely it is better to have a province with an enemy's dominion in it than to not have the province at all, right? Especially if the enemy's dominion is something relatively benign, like high order and productivity. You won't benefit from his nice stuff, but it only hurts you to the extent that it impinges on your own dominion's benefits. Of course it would be even better if it had your dominion, but if you keep taking over the enemy's territory, building the occasional temple and whatnot on the way, then surely his dominion will start to decline.

The problem comes in when the other guys dominion is actively unpleasant. That's when you have to work hard to reduce it and restrict it, as opposed to just taking over the territory and watching the dominion gradually switch as a matter of course.

Thus, it seems to me that the argument that you can deal with the immortality of the VQ simply by doing the things you would do against any opponent seems flawed to me. Combating the dominion of the VQ requires an extra effort, making it that much harder to research, build a strong army, etc.

[ May 03, 2004, 18:36: Message edited by: Vynd ]
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