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Old April 16th, 2004, 03:30 AM
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Graeme Dice Graeme Dice is offline
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Default Re: Clams overpowered?

Originally posted by Norfleet:
It's the chassis that best suits the strategy I prefer to play.
Which is to create a pretender that is immune to all elemental damage, all but invulnerable to magic resist spells, totally safe since she can never be forced out of her dominion, and capable of destroying any army that doesn't have an enormous number of death mages with it.

If you want something that you can tweak into one of the best SCs possible, there's really only a few options: Vampire Queen
Which is obviously the best choice.

Vanheim only, still has to worry about afflictions, and isn't immortal.

Ghost King
Also gets afflictions and isn't immortal.

If I wanted to play a bless strategy, the VQ would definitely not be my first choice.
I'm still waiting for your bless effect based army that can beat your tweaked out VQ.

I think we can all agree that SOMETHING has to be the best at something, and for tweaking for an SC, few other options can match the VQ.
Which is obviously the problem, since she's immortal and thereby essentially immune to afflictions and death.

What else do you do with water gems? Summon Sea Trolls? Don't make me laugh. The underlying problem is that there are very few worthwhile water rituals, and of those there are, most are useful only under very specific conditions which occur infrequently.
You've just stated that the imbalance exists, so I hardly see why you are arguing that it doesn't.

That's your opinion. I, for one, do not think that change just for the sake of change is a good thing.
Which is also just your opinion. Opinions are like *******s, everybody has one.
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