Abyssia\'s Missing Warlock (Pretender)
As several people have noted in passing elsewhere, the Warlock pretender is no longer available under the 1.11 patch.
Given that this was Abyssia's only nation-specific pretender, I'm curious if the Warlock's disappearance was intentional (ie, Illwinter decided it was overpowered in being too easy to make an innately 100% fire immune wizard pretender with high blood and other magics), or if it's akin to Jotunheim's Abyssian troops in 1.08.
I really hate seeing nation-specific pretenders go away, as I think there should be more of them, at least for races like Machaka that have non. (Similarly, Machaka is perhaps the only nation with absolutely no themes, albeit I'm not sure about the aquatics or Mictlan.)
All ye would-be Abyssians and Machakans, rise up in protest of these egregrious discriminations!
Wormwood and wine, and the bitter taste of ashes.