Re: Ultimate Nation Balance Mega-Kawaii Answer-Question 105%!1!1
April 10th?! Guess I musta had my finger on the mousewheel without noticing. Again, sorry about the incomplete options, I ended up having about 2 metric minutes to make the actual poll, and those were a hasty, panicked 2 minutes, to boot.
Anyway, AA Ermor not overpowered? Good, good. Debatealicious. My side of the debate is biased and inexperienced, any other takers? All I got is:
A) AA Ermor can afford the best Pretenders
B) The killer Dominion provides a splendiferous defense against non-nature armies and can rather easily do irrevocable economic damage to which the AA itself is immune
C) Utterdark and Burden of Time are practically game winners for AA/Soul Gate Ermor, while the Broken Empire, Desert Tombs C'tis, and pretty much all death nations save Carrion Woods Pangaea gain relatively little.
D) Fishy power!
I'm hardly convinced of these claims myself, they're what you might call first impressions, but complaints have been made by others, so let's hear them out.
On that note, anyone think CW Pangaea and Mictlan AREN'T underpowered? Also, 'ello 'ello 'ello, what's all this about Pythium?
Feel the burn, people. I'll just see if I can edit the poll end date, why don't I? If I'm lucky, I might just get my computer running within the week, and be able to keep tabs on this without sneaking into people's houses and stealing their 'net time.