Hey folks, Scott from Shrapnel here. I have a site interested in publishing an AAR of a Dominions 2 multiplayer game. If you're interested here are the things that need to be addressed...
1. Must be a complete AAR. They had problems before with an AAR that the players started and then never got around to finishing, so instead of risking a problem with an ongoing game it would be best if you wait until the game is complete for the AAR.
2. I believe it can be rather lengthy. Considering that Dom2 is a very involved game it's highly probable they will split up the AAR over several articles. So, don't worry too much about word count (but do avoid trying to rival Robert Jordan...)
3. Content will be edited for punctuation, etc.
Other than the above there's nothing much else to it, except have fun and make it an enjoyable, informative read.
If you're interested in doing it please send me an email at the address posted below, along with a brief sample (like, say one turn's worth of info) of what the AAR would be like. We'll accept submissions for a couple of weeks (closing it up around March 9th) and then make a decision about who to use. I'm sure there will be plenty of great ones, but please remember ultimately there can only be one.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Media Relations
[email protected]