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Old February 6th, 2004, 10:24 PM

Ygramul Ygramul is offline
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Default victory story and How to make the end game interesting

Hi all,

I just won my second game of Dom2 SP.
The first was Ryleh in Aran and I played
to the bitter end ousting the Last AI.
This one was with Pangea standard. I realize
that by the time I could easily declare victory
there were a few idiosynchrosies about the
late games in general:

Dom2 has a fascinating early game with various
themes. Ulm plays so much different then
say Mictlan or Pangea. Mid game still has
some variance depending on early choices
and the luck with independent sites.
Late games however tend to be uniformized.

By the time you have extended enough to have
a chance at winning on a medium map [Aran or
Desert Eye for example] You have probably a
decent gem income and good research. You can
swing every which way and empower whichever
branch of magic you wish. Except for
special cases like Ermor I feel that the
endgame virtually identical for all nations.

A greater problem is that AI really doesn't
put out a credible endgame. I either get
crushed early or midgame or if I do survive
I can kick AI butts even against overwhelming
odds, it seems, using synergistic magic and
research combinations.

Add to that the exponentially increasing
micromanagement issues, late game is rarely fun.

It is true that late is rarey fun Alpha Centauri
was much better in this regard.

One other quirk that can be helped is that
the message interface needs to be generally
improved. Especially a Stars!-like
"Suppress Messages of this type" option
will help to filter many "Guptlon has found
3 blood slaves" Messages you get.

In short: having a bLast, hoping Dom3 will
be better.

So long,

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