Concerning mods
With the patch (hopefully) coming closer to completion I was wondering if anyone had given much thought to hypothetical situations for our favorite nations that could be used as the basis for a mod. I'm not really thinking of specific stats or units or anything, just concepts. As an example I'll list a couple of ideas I've had. I'm a little unsure as to what can and can't be done with modding yet, and it's just conceptual stuff anyway.
For Marignon, a mod where the priesthood ends up going corrupt. Rather than turning to demons money is their thing. Their priestly powers have been reduced, but they gain more income from tax collecting. It's not exactly much for a drastic makeover mod so it probably needs some work.
The other idea was for a land based Rlyeh, where humans on the surface had started worshipping the creatures of Rlyeh. A few normal Rlyeh units might remain present, but the bulk of them would consist of human cultists and maybe hybrids. They'd possibly receive occassional free troops within their dominion to reflect solitary cultists performing summonings, but may not receive them as quickly as Ermor or CW Pangaea. Because of the generally sanity destroying nature attributed to Cthulhu mythos related creatures their dominion may spread turmoil to neighboring provinces.