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Old November 23rd, 2003, 10:30 AM

Keir Maxwell Keir Maxwell is offline
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Default Re: Tien Chi! Sigh . . .

Originally posted by Jasper:

In the end however, I simply don't like this Mongols weren't really into raiding like that,
Er, Jasper - the Barbarian Kings options is very much not the Mongols. The Mongols in China is Yuan Chinese, the army of Kublai Khan, which (in its early period) is one of those rolls royce armies that make generals drool in their soup. More like Tien Ch'i main theme but with better cavalry. Not like the BK theme at all.

There were "barbarians" on the border of China (eg. Hsuing-nu) as far as the Chinese thought and Chinese scholars bewailed their depredations so this isn't just a euro-centric bias. When the barbarians take and hold chinese lands they slowly became absorbed by the more developed culture - happened to the Mongols to.

The Barbarians kingdoms is exactly that - barbarian ruling over the Tien ch'i. Presumably an unstable intermediary period which will go one way or the other - order or complete chaos. I would like to be able to play with both the BK and the regular Tien Ch'i competing so we could see which way the balence goes.

Mongols inspired would be another race but I think a Steppe base Hsuing-nu inspired race would be better. We will never get the LC to work anything like as well as the Mongol LC worked so why pretend they are Mongol quality?


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