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Old November 22nd, 2003, 01:32 AM

Keir Maxwell Keir Maxwell is offline
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Default Tien Chi! Sigh . . .

It turns out Tien Chi was the first race I played upon getting the full game - first Barbarian Kings then Spring and Summer.

I haven't done this bad playing dom since I first tried the demo to dom1!

I really like the themes and I'm rapt to see them in the game but playing them is . . . er . . . aaah . . . difficult . . . I can't think of a constructive way of putting it - they suck! They suck big time.

I have been playing these races solidly since I got the game 24 hours ago and I haven't come up with an idea that works. I have pillaged and slaughtered my way through the various races and themes of the demo leaving indies in my wake but I can't even get a half decent start with the Tien Chi themes.

Its not that I have completely run out of ideas - I still have a couple of schemes - its just that the troops combined with the scale restrictions are weak and very, very, hard to make use of. Compulsary turmoil is bad in Dom 2 and even when you try and get around it with maximim luck and the Lady of Fortune I can't make anything good out of it.

Suggested fixes? Both Barbarian Kings and Srping and Autumn have major disadvantages imposed upon them compared to Tien Chi normal so to make up for it increase their strengths.

1. Allow troops on hold and attack or guard commander to fire their missile weapons so that the cavalry can be used with cunning.

2. Increased precision for the horse archers and HC of the Barbarian Kingdoms option to furthur reflect the superiority of the conquering steppe cavalry.

3. Increase pillage ability for the Barbarian King option (good idea Nerfix).

4. Non-commmander chariots for the Spring and Autumn option with some limit on number buildable - perhaps home province only though this doesn't fit well with the decentralised theme. Limit of 1 per turn per castle would be better but perhaps hard to code in.

Obviously the Celestial and Spirit summons are interesting and have some potential but to get it to work the Barbarian King and Spring and Autumn themes need more military prowess to make up for their economic weakness. At present they are both militarily weak and economically weak.

If I have overlooked something crucial making these races work please let me know and I will beg forgiveness for complaining.


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