November 18th, 2003, 08:50 AM
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Re: So far what nations look strong... and weak?
Originally posted by apoger:
The only thing mentioned that would concern me is the Illithids. So I would ease up if I anticipated conflict with R'lyeh.
Otherwise I find the Elephants/Mammoths to be essential for fast expansion. In fact, more than in Dom1.
Everyone has a different style.
I got frustraded with the Elephants/Mammoths in Dom I when every time i met a mage with 1 death he bLasted my 'Phants/'Moths with Decay.
I find them to be unreliable(weak morale, almost every indy mage can screw them) and too expensive(with the Dom II economy).
But hey, everyone has their own style...
[ November 18, 2003, 06:53: Message edited by: Nerfix ]
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