Look what Sirkit said in Hadrian's Upcoming thread!
I do in fact go to you site often, waiting for that leauge of empires ship set (if you havent seen it go look, nice ), Your site is the best of the net, with cap'n spoogys a close second
Thank you for the support!
I have been busy with work and such for the Last couple of weeks. However, I have some free time coming up. Look for some stuff to pop up soon like:
The Spoogy Starfleet is getting a facelift. While remaining true to their style, the new Versions will be better done with more details and realism. Look for the Dreadnought preview on Thursday.
I am hoping to add more information to my site, including the official Spoogy Universe Map and more details about the history of the Spoogy Federation.
I sincerely apologize about my mod. With the new patch and all coming out, I will have to make some changes to it. I've wanted to make some changes that it's taking forever!
Visit the Spoogy Federation today!
Thanks for all the support fellow Space Empire fans!