Re: Strategy Guide in the Archive
Since you can see any movement in a system that you have planets/ships
(unless they are cloaked)
You either have to keep a ship on patrol in the empty systems (were you can't colonize) Or you can just place a sat over in a corner. (less likely the AI will take it out then.) This Sat can be unarmed. Now onyour map, it will so that you occupy that system and everytime some other race enters it, a trangle will appear. I do this to all empty sytems within and around my borders. prevents anyone from sneaking in on me.
Also, maybe sat protect any WP's that come from blackhole systems. Others like to use these once they get shields. I personally don't use sat's to protect planets because they can't move and can't be placed in a defense orbit. Long range guns can take them out quickly. But you will find that most of the time, the wp battles will place both your sat's and the enemy ships near the point. you get first shot and you can take out a small fleet before they even get to fire. send in ships to clean up the others.
And exception to this is nebula and black hole systems:
Blackhole systems will pull anything in so you can not monitor them. So blocking the the connecting systems WP's takes care of any movement acrossed a blackhole system.
Nebula systems hide everything. SO to counter this I put a sat/mine defense on the WP's Anything in or out that is not friendly hits my forces. and now I know were they plan to attack from.
[This message has been edited by Dracus (edited 12 April 2001).]