OK Mark....Here we go!.....some rules questions!
First off Mark.....Awesome game! Graphics are top notch and truly refreshing! The fire combat and results system is very innovative...completely different from anything I've played before. It's going to take some time for me to get used to the impulse thing as that is a first as well. Set up my first VC defense as if where a straight my turn your turn game...oops...LOL. So, after a couple of readings of the rules and an hour of playing here are some questions:
1. Can a Shaken Medic be wounded, or is he eliminated for failing a morale check called for by fire?
2. "Examples of Degrading Terrain are...., tall grass, and smoke." Yet the TEC lists tall grass as Blocking Terrain and the body of rules for smoke says "Smoke is Blocking Terrain...." Which is correct?
3. Smoke +2: The +2 is the elevation?
That's it for now. Really looking forward to the full release! Again, great work!