Range Check Error
Well, I was getting a range check error the other night. I'm playing TDM modpack. I'm playing as the Crystals, and am fighting Darloks at the moment. My ships are currently armed with DPU Cannon V, and Null Space III's. Anyways, I've got a goodly-sized fleet parked on a wormhole. The Darloks fly a Light Cruiser Mine Layer through. I start shooting at it and RANGE CHECK ERROR. Well, I reloaded the game and tried Strategic Combat... Same thing. I reloaded a couple of more times and tried firing with different ships. Same thing. Then, after reading a thread in here somewhere, I tried something new. I had recently captured a Darlok Cruiser equipped with Incinerator beams. This time I used it to shoot at the ship. No error. So I reloaded, and used my ships...With the DPU Cannons ONLY...(NO NULL SPACE). Guess what? No range check error. Sooo....looks like there is some kind of problem with Null Space Cannons or something of that nature. It's not like my ship is equipped with that many, my DN's only have 3 Heavies, and my BB's have 2 Heavies. Even weirder is that moments after the CL is blown up, the Darlok's flew 3 BC's in. I could fire any/all of my weapons and no errors.