Repeat Galaxies
I just had something strange happen. I tried a new strategy so I had the computer on medium difficulty. The game went very fast and I had the galaxy well under control early so I started a game with identical settings except on hard. I got the same galaxy with the same starting planets. I noticed it because two of the planets in my starting system were habitable by me. I recalled my saved game and all the systems were in the same place and as I explore more all the planets in each system I go to is the same as it was in the first game. The alien locations are different and one new race is in the game. I have started many games but I have never had a galaxie repeat before that I have noticed. Has anyone else seen this happen? I will have to try a new game and make sure that something isn't glitched with my program.
[This message has been edited by Tomgs (edited 02 November 2000).]