Bug List here.
I'm generating a list of bugs. If something is NOT a bug, please tell me.
1. Weapon fire on one fighter in a squad carrys over to damage other fighters.
2. I had a carrier and fighters blockading an enemy planet and I wanted to launch some fighters from the carrier before the attack so they would all be launched before the attack. I clicked in the wrong place and went into transfer instead of launch, clicked on the fighters and GAVE THEM TO THE ENEMY DOH!! Is this a bug? Should I be able to give cargo to an enemy? I wouldn't think so.
I ordered a fleet to a neighboring system, came back 2 turns later to find they never made it because there were fighters in the fleet so they stopped at the wormhole. I took the fighters out of the fleet, attempted to send just the ships through and the ships did not respond. In fact, all my ships everywhere would not respond. They acted like they were not mine anymore (i.e. I could not give them orders any more). I had to quit the game and restart it.
More as I find them...