I have seen some great tactics people use in tactical combat to really pummel the AI. Some I used myself before I read about them and some I use now.
But many of tactics demand specialised designs of ships and fighters. Given the extremely limited control you have over events in strategic combat these designs wouldn't work very good in many cases in multiplayer games as strategic combat is the only combat available. So how do you make your ships do what you what want them to do in strategic combat? As far as I can tell the only thing you can do is give the ships very limited movement orders and somewhat more advanced targeting orders.
I want to give them "If that happens do this" type of orders. And assign combat Groups before combat and give them different formations and orders. The same with fighter Groups. In strategic they just launch and move against the enemy.
It's just a shame all these tactics people work out in single player won't work in multiplayer because you can't give your ships detailed orders.