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Old September 3rd, 2000, 08:12 PM
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Taqwus Taqwus is offline
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Default Random conjectures and questions.

a) What exactly is the effect of experience?

Ship experience appears to be added, point for point, to all to-hit chances. Unless I'm rarely fighting experienced ships (possible, given it's only been against the AI), it doesn't appear to reduce enemy's to-hit chances.

Fleet experience... I'm not sure about that one.

b) Suppose --
Your race A breathes oxygen.
Race B breathes methane.
Race B has a domed colony on a planet with a carbon-dioxide atmosphere.
Race B surrenders to you, or otherwise gives you the colony.

Then, you build an Atmospheric Converter on the planet. Does the atmosphere become methane, or oxygen?

One thing that I've noticed is that if you have more than one race on a planet, it'll be domed as long as a single pop unit needs it.

c) Anybody know how much damage ramming does? Perhaps it's proportional to the other ship's hull, but it might be interesting if remaining movement points matter.

It'd be mildly twisted if one could build a large, immensely armored ship (something like orgo armor might be good for the auto-regen) for the sole purposes of ramming smaller ships into oblivion.

d) If there are multiple troop transports in a battle, is there a way for them to ALL drop their troops simultaneously? If not, the odds seem like you pretty much have to wipe out almost an entire population (maybe even down to one bar) before you can overcome whatever militia they raise...

Pity. I'll probably miss the ability to play assimilator/slaver races ala MOO2 Telepaths. ;-)

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Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...
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