Alarikf games
To those in my games (001 Ultimate, JJPEAR, Zeta Quadrant, & Space Empires 101) and those whose games I am in, I totally forgot that I am going to Charleston today and won't be back until the evening of June 1st. I have put all my empires on automatic and all the games I host on autoturns and I have asked all game hosts of games I am in to not hold up the games on my behalf (with the single exception of the STM2 game, since it's just me and two others and it's a pretty critical phase - as in, the phase in which I probably die - and I'd like to have a fighting chance).
Sorry for the hassle...
thanks...and see ya in about a week!
EDIT: a clarification: I *think* I put all my empires on auto-pilot, but I lost power Last night and so didn't get to a few games. But, IIRC, I generally have my empires on "AI make no changes" so hopefully they won't turn on my allies!
[ May 27, 2004, 13:08: Message edited by: alarikf ]