Re: Junkyard games?
I don't have any problem with that Ed, and if you can host the game, please do it!
Just so the game can work in a good schedule, why we not set it for a turn every 48hs?
If you can host it, please create the game in PBW, so we can see the number of players we will have (set it initially for 20 players, but i doubt we will get more than 10).
Just a suggestion in the settings:
48hs turns
0 points races
no intel and no trades
Medium Tech start (so we have at least some Theoretical Research fields already researched)
3-planet start
These settings, i think, will allow a good start...
Currently Playing:
Megamek (latest dev version with home-made random campaign generator), Dominions 3 (with CBM) and Sins of a Solar Empire (heavily modded)