Say, I had a thought... what if there were a program to analyze your ship designs - you select all the components you want before going to the Design window and entering your final design, and it gives you a report of all kinds of stuff, much more detailed than the design window does - chance for a shot to penetrate leaky armor, projected maintenance cost, combat speed, average/peak damage inflicted by weapons per turn, refueling range, and other such miscellanea. Or you can use it on known enemy designs (too bad you can't export them from the game as text files
) since the game's view of enemy designs is even less detailed than the view of your own designs - you can't even see how many movement points there are!
So would anyone find this kind of program useful? If so I'll try to continue working on it... not at work though, I shouldn't even be posting on this forum now but I just can't focus on my work right now without thinking of SE4 or something!!!