Umm... most shipsets for SE4 will be convertible to SE5 easily. All you have to do is convert your models to .x, maybe smooth them out a bit, you are done. Making sets for SE5 will be identical to making sets for SE4, except you won't be able to make sets that are just screen captures from other games and such... though most sets are made from actual models for SE4 anyways.
Okay don't be posting just to knock the show....that's just immature
There is, of course, this thing called freedom of speech... expressing your opinion on something is not immature at all. Saying "it sucks" might be, but expressing dislike of the show is not immature. Personally, I think that Andromeda is a bit on the dull and corney sides.
[ May 17, 2004, 18:06: Message edited by: Imperator Fyron ]