more on drones
First, in another thread (I haven't searched for it) someone was asking about how to make an AI launch drones strategically i.e. not in combat. I am playing a SP game now where the TDM Cylons are launching quite a few. Check them out; and there are other races in the TDM modpack that launch drones also.
Second, I am not a big drone user so I wanted to ask if anyone has any good drone tactics. Specifically, overcoming warp point or planet defenses. The current urban legend if you shift-click and order a bunch of drones to attack a warp point they will only warp thru one at a time. I am seeing AI's getting 2 or 3 at a time. This is not much of an improvement since they still can be easily killed. But, I'm thinking if there is a way to get 2 or 3 to come thru at the same time, then there might be a way to get more. The key to their usefulness is to be able to consistently send large numbers to overwhelm defenses. Anyone have any success or testing with this? Shift clicking or some other way of setting them up to consistently all arrive at the same time would go a long way to make drones more useful.