I suffer from "just one more turn syndrome." If I just build that ship or research that tech I will quit. One night I was playing and everything was right with my race. I was ready to go to bed. I played 'just one more turn' and a warp point opens up and out comes a fleet of 40 CueCappa ship in a sector I'm developing. Now how am I supposed to go to sleep?
I think what Iron Giant said is correct. It's the feeling of being immersed in a game and that your decisions do affect millions of people. I one time killed off all of the enemies population on a planet and took a step back and said,"Wow, I killed millions of lives." That's not right.
I try to add more way to feel more immeresed in the star trek mods so I will add sounds, music, etc.
I lately haven't been playing SEIV Gold because I been focusing on modding the game. Because I work long hours, I usually try to think of new ways to mod or add something to a mod when I'm traveling between work sites. When I get home, I'll write all of the notes down and then have to wait until the weekend to test them out. I could test my ideas during the weekdays but the wife gets upset sometimes when I spend too much time with the "other woman in my life" which she calls the computer.
[ March 18, 2004, 19:12: Message edited by: hicksz ]