Fleet supply problem in 1.91!
Ok, I thought fleets would share supplies evenly between all the ships in a fleet. Always seemed to work that way in all previous experience with previous patches.
In 1.91, I try this and ... it looks like some ships aren't getting any added supplies. I'm kind of stumped.
Example (each line is a ship with supplies/total):
Turn 1:
1555/1720 (165 less than full)
1555/1720 (165 less than full)
1555/1720 (165 less than full)
1555/1720 (165 less than full)
1555/1720 (165 less than full)
7640/7850 (210 less than full)
2465/2800 (335 less than full)
3320/3600 (280 less than full)
3320/3600 (280 less than full)
3320/3600 (280 less than full)
Total = 1875 supplies short of full for all ships.
My orders are to join all these ships into one fleet. My expectation is it will divide its excess supplies amongst the fleet, so all the ships will be topped off except the ship with 7640 supplies, which will be left with 7640 - 1875 = 5765. That is, more than everyone else, so everyone else should be filled up.
Instead, the result is like this:
Turn 2:
2784/3600 (816 less than full)
2784/3600 (816 less than full)
3022/3600 (578 less than full)
Total = 2210 less than full.
That is, it looks like there are two bugs:
1) It chose weird ships to not fill up, with no good or understandable reason to do so. This breaks the use of supply ships to resupply fleets reliably!
2) 335 supplies were actually lost somehow!
Has this been noticed/investigated before? Any other info about it? Is it a new problem in 1.91? Is there a workaround?
Oh, and the "fighters can't resupply on a moon resupply depot" bug is apparently still there. I expect people probably already knew that, though.