Thanks to John Beech my new organic shipset has been posted in the "Under Contruction" area over at the Universal Shipyards site:
I plan to make changes to the textures and some other ship changes based on some great suggestions and feedback from John Beech at USY who's a real shipset building pro.
I've been working on the AI and have made some interesting discoveries which I'll incorporate. Already the Selachii shark boys are very tough and have been kicking the other AIs butts around pretty good in my tests to date.
Here is some of the information from the EMP file:
Biological Description:
The Selachii are a bio-engineered race from ancient Terra. Developed as a naval defense net during the gene wars of the late 40th century, the Selachii look very much like their shark ancestors. They use mechanical waldos to manipulate objects and have a genetically expanded braincase.
Society Description:
Selachii society is strictly regimented and quite violent. Societal Groups are organized into "Paks". Pak leadership is contested by physical combat and quite often leads to the death of one of the principals. Selachii form close-knit family Paks which aggregate into larger Paks. These war on each other quite frequently and the most powerful of these make up the governing factions of the race. Intelligent, cunning and ferocious, the Selachii are suspicious of all other races.
General History:
The Selachii had their origins in the Terran gene wars where they operated as organic weapons for the Asian Combine in the Pacific theatre. Hating what they perceived as enslavement by the human race, a small group of daring and violent special ops veterans staged an escape in a stolen Terran frigate. Finding a planet suitable for colonization, the Selachii hid from other races until they were strong enough to compete. Slowly, they have begun a calculated program of aggression against other races. They will not feel safe until all power is in their control.
I've also created a unique race designfile consisting of about 100 different types of sharks which I compiled from Internet site sources. I'd like to do a unique speech file as weell if I have the time. That's just a ton of extra work.
I'd appreciate any feedback on the shipset, ways to improve it or any ideas on the AI to make my race even more "sharklike".