Multi-player Bug! for diplomacy cheats!!!
To all,
I was told a way to "cheat" info in the game.
Now as far as I can see this is against the spirit of the game and is cheating your fellow gamers.
If another empire, in a multi-player game, sends you a non-aggression or better treaty you can start your turn accept it, thus be able to see their scores, if set to see scores of allies. Then quit the game and then just start the turn a new.
This means the other player does not know what you have done, and you get a BIG adantage over them.
You of course could do this in a single player game, but it's only computer players so who cares!!!
Aaron needs to do something about this!! Such as both sides need to say yes then both get the agreement on the same turn. So it needs to occur during the host turn then posted to the palyers for them to see.
Please don't cheat other players.....