Well, just watched the Last battle again, and I have to retract some of my earlier critisim. I seems the Galactia does have a primary battery. When the ship deploys its weapons for the "defensive barrage" on second inspection there are two distinctly unique emplacements. As has been mentioned, there are dozens of "flak" type PDC along the flanks of the hull. Couldn't see exacly how they got around the landing pods though. Along the ventral spine of the ships you see sevel much larger weapons deploy, and then shoot with a noticible slower rate and different sound (in space, but BSG does a better jon than SW with sound in vaccum). So it seems that the Galactica retails its large gun capability.
I do know where my confusion set in. All of the human weapons are Depleated Uranium Cannons. I don't know if the differance between the larger and small guns is just mount size or ordinance or both. However, they have distinctly different roles. Adama says "All Vipers focus on the fighters, we will take care of the Base Stars." So maybe the large rail guns did engage the Base Stars and it just got lost in the PDC frenzy.
Another observation, as much as the humans rely on DUC, the Cylons rely on seekers. The only weapons that the Base Stars used were missiles, and more than a few of the Vipers were destroyed by fighter lauched missles. I know I have argued with more than a few people about the virues of an all seeker verses all direct fire fleet. Apparently the writers are SEIV fans, and they are still bickering
[ December 15, 2003, 03:01: Message edited by: Patroklos ]