What amazes me is why more and more companies that have a franchise game fail to look into other markets for their products. Look at Tribes and Planet Siege, they both have excellent stories, great characters, vehicals, weapons, and bases and would make awsome toys for kids. Hell I know if I was a kid I would love to have my own PCP Atrocities Tribes Action figure set.
Books, trading cards, board games, comics, etc. Really the market is open to any company who would want to venture out into it. Id Software has to mention a few, and they have enjoyed a nice profit from it.
Aaron has a franchiseable product in SEIV if he chose to expand the brand and exploit the market by exploring other avenues for his product. I feel that he could exterminate the notion that pc games are limited to being just pc games.
Wouldn't you love to have a model of a Phong Battleship on your desk? Or a complete set of Eee action figures? How about a nice board game of SE IV with your friends. And trading cards, you can't forget about those trading cards. I will trade you my Terran Battle Cruiser for one of your Krel Race Portaits.
Look at what we have seen in the card industry over the Last decade. Visual art, comic book art, etc and if you applied this concept to SE IV - V and Starfury think of what you would have.
Books are another great area open for exploration as are comics and such.
Technical Manuals, back stories, ship scematics, etc are all untapped areas that could be exploited for profit or fun.
Hell I would love to make a nice card collection out of the ships and things I have made and then sell them. A set of 100 cards going for $20.00 bucks featuring all of my crappy *** work over the Last three years would be a must have for any hard core Space Empires fan.
(Ok I can hope can't I?)
You all get the idea. Many of us have created our own races with their own ships and story lines and we all love them. Now if you could expand that to include such things as trading cards, posters, stories, etc would you not want to do that?
Hell I know I would want to do it.