PBW : Paranoia2
The first edition of this PBW was a bLast, with Flatline giving us a Master's lesson in how to Fight/Cheat/Lie your way to victory. Sometime the game was frustrating, sometime it had me going mad. But it had never been boring. All in all, it was the best game I ever played.
Kuddos to all Paranoia1 players, and kuddos to Flatline.
I feel it is now time to begin the second edition of this game, especially for those who missed the first game.
60h auto turns
Starting resources: 100000
Starting planets: 1
Home planet value: Good
Score display: Own
Technology level: Low
Racial points: 3000
Quadrant type: Mid-Life
Quadrant size: large
Event frequency: None
Technology cost: Medium
Victory conditions: See below
Maximum units: maximum allowed
Maximum ships: maximum allowed
Computer players: None
Neutral empires: No
Number of players : 14 (pair number only)
Standard 1.84 game with the following rules :
Tech trading DISABLED, Ancient race not allowed, surrender not allowed, INTEL allowed, RELIGIOUS TECH not allowed.
All players start with a secret target race. Your goal : be the first to kill your target
Now you get it : 1 empire dead, and game over for all players. If another player kills your target, you win. If you kill an empire while it is not your target, you lose and someone else win.
This is a highly political game. The killer is that even small empires are important. If one die, game over. In this game, the PBW's game forum will be especially important, as it will be in it players will send call for help, try to lie to each other.....etc...etc.....
It is forbidden to give planets to a player. You can exchange ships if you want, but no player should be artificially keept alive by the mean of planetary gifts.
As soone as we have ironed the Last victory rules details, and before the game begins, Tescosamoa will become game master. He will create the map, put in it starting positions and send all players the name of their target.
[ February 05, 2004, 14:03: Message edited by: Unknown_Enemy ]
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn.
�a ! �a ! Cthulhu fhtagn ! Cthulhu fhtagn !