I have not yet been able to iron out the difficulties I have been having, either with my ISP/email or accessing PBW. I can occasionally get the main page, but I cannot load anything past that point using either the text or the graphics interfaces. Because I have not been able to participate in these games, I feel I should withdraw from them. The other players deserve the best challenge they can get, not an absent player.
Will the owners of the following games please remove me: Networks II, Enormity, Proportions, and Ankle-Biters. I am also in a KOTH game, which I resign.
I apologize for dropping out. I wish I could continue until replacements can be found, but the nature of the problem does not permit it.
My humble apologies for the disruption this causes.
The Unpronounceable Krsqk
"Well, sir, at the moment my left processor doesn't know what my right is doing." -