Someone might have proposed a similar idea before, and this probably won't work in practice, but I had a thought... What if there was a PBW game with no combat between the player empires, and all fighting was done by means of neutral empires that served as proxies? You'd have to gift ships and things to the neutrals in order for them to fight for you, but of course, once you "deployed" a ship by gifting it to your neutral, it could never leave the system it was deployed in, since neutrals never leave their system! To keep the player empires from fighting, you could simply mod the game so that Aggressiveness can be set to some insanely low value (way below the current minimum of -50), and require players to take this value, and also mod out the Talisman. (OK, so they COULD ram...) The player whose neutral survives the longest wins!
The Ed draws near! What dost thou deaux?