OK, kind of a wierd idea for a thread, but I was inspired by a quote from the Star Wars trivia thread, where someone posted
"Sam Jackson has already filmed his death scene, and says: "And I don't go out like a punk neither!"
So here's the question: Everyone's got to die sometime, but who has the coolest exit? I'm thinking poredominantly TV/film here, but historical figures could count too, I guess. Adolescent fantasies about drowning under a mountain of beer-soaked naked women etc need not be posted, unless you have pictures, in which case email them to me.
Anyway, here's mine. When my time comes, I will happy if I check out with half as much cool as this guy:
It's from the film Sinnui yauman II, (A chinese Ghost story II.) The character is this ice-cool warrior-general guy with a dodgy moustache, an improbable number of swords on his back and a cloak full of throwing knives. (There's a pic of him on this site ). He's fighting a bunch of invisible demon-monks, and what with them being invisible and all he doesn't really stand a chance. They cut his right arm off before he can even hit one, but he doesn't even blink: He just grabs his sword between his teeth and keeps fighting until they finally chop him into bits. It has to be the classiest, most heroic death ever=-)
So come on, who do you think has the best death?