Bugs / Improvments after 1.27b
New ideias / concepts / problems in / for SE4 (1.27):
In the creation of galaxy:
random size and type
New tech:
Stabilize planet core
Restore Star nucleus
Expand Warp (remove problems that damage ships)
Universal colony
In the tactical combat
if you start with fighters outside carriers they are reported, otherwise not ->fix
In the Empire options, add the directives for ministers:
minimum n� troops p/planet (ships don't remove above that number, and the minister try to build up to it)
type of ship priority to build (attack / colony / etc)
mines in all waypoints
satellites in all waypoints
create defense stations
In the Ship designs menu add:
Info about the maintenance of the design
Ship / unit can be build by minister
Maximun number in service of this design (the minister don't build more)
In the ships/units menu add:
Ships of class xxx
upgrade to class yyy
All Ships AI controled (on/off)
If units, units of class xxx scrap
In the planets menu add:
change all planets type xxx to type yyy
Change the Ship Construction minister :
Generic Ship
Colony Ship
If you have the flag 'Automatically use Individual Ministers for newly built vehicles',
it must include the ships captured or that join you (race surrender / crew insurrection)
If a race surrender to you and have techs that you can't (cristal) you can't research it but
can build the itens that they have discovered (if surrender to you, they give you the blueprints)
Also, the blueprints of units/ships they have designed must be acessible
Add the system's Minister
Manage the creation of system's wide facilities (like urban pacification center)
If exist duplications of SWF in a system, remove redundant.
If a planet in the system is rioting / angry, call / build troops or UPC.
The troops minister must have the capability to send troops to rioting planets
In the construction queue, add a check if you try to build more units than the planet can get.
Also add the line 'up to max cargo avaiable' (like the one 'one turn worth').
The minister responsible to build units must have a check control before trying to build more units in
a planet than is possible.
If i send order to 10 ships to retrofit on a planet and in that turn only can retrofit 3 the others forget the order.
The retrofit rotine, must take in consideration that exist ships with cargo and add the
capability of removing it temporary (if exist avaiable space in the sector)
Add the capability of the Ships that can close warp points to only do it to
warps with possibility to damage ships (else is too dangerous to asign a minister).
If you put a fighter bay in a ship (you can put it in all), it only have use if the ship is
of design type carrier, otherwise the ministers igore it.
If i put a cargo bay in a carrier (to add more fighters), the minister start to load generic
cargo. Is possible to stop this ?
If i build a ship that have minelayer capability / large cargo / shipyard , is possible to
add a flag for that shipyard only build mines ?
If i build a ship that have satlayer capability / large cargo / shipyard , is possible to
add a flag for that shipyard only build satellites ?
Is possible to add 'netmouse' support ?
In some games, the minister insist in building small / older models of weapons platforms (even obsolet ones).