Re: OT: Strange future for down-under?
This starts off with a little truth, and then takes a lot of liberties. So no hate mails please it just a little fun with statehood.
The 51st state will probably be the District of Columbia. They are on their way to the Supreme Court with the issue of representation, or lack there of. Now it is probably a given that they will win. And it is a given that the majority of Maryland counties will not vote for the city to become part of Maryland again. We already have an urban challenged city to support. Virginia wouldn�t touch it with a stick. And the powers that be have no intention giving two senators to so few people. So, DC needs to come in with another territory or protectorate. Puerto Rico already said hell no to that. And the US Virgin Islands are not interested. So whom does DC bring in with them? Perhaps Israel? Israel would be cheaper to keep as a state. They already have lots of representation in both houses. It would give the US a base of power in the region. Wouldn�t have to worry about all of the illegal cash transfers anymore. And it wouldn�t cost them much to change their name; they are already the �State of Israel�. Also, it would allow them to thumb their noses at the rest of the Arab world. Not to mention the debts to the US that would be forgiven, never knew those guys to pass up on that kind of a deal. Then after they were in, we could pull off a few Texacan switch-a-roo�s and bring a few oil rich Arab states into the Union. Then when the rest of the world sees the advantages of being a state, some of our Asian friends will apply, then Cuba will prolly want in after Castro is gone, before long there will be a shortage of stars for the flag. But we�ll keep the state quarter people busy
[ July 19, 2003, 22:24: Message edited by: Thermodyne ]
Think about it